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annual report 2017
Strategic report
At a glance
Strategic report
Global network
Chairman's statement
Chief Executive's review
Business model
Strategy and objectives
Component journeys
Our technologies
Measuring progress
Business review
Chief Financial Officer's report
Principal risks and uncertainties
Corporate responsibility and sustainability
Board of Directors
Corporate governance statement
Directors' report
Report of the Nomination Committee
Report of the Audit Committee
Board report on remuneration
Directors' responsibilities statement
Financial statements
Independent auditor's report
Consolidated income statement
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated balance sheet
Consolidated cash flow statement
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
Group accounting policies
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Five year summary
Company statement of financial position
Company statement of changes in equity
Company accounting policies
Notes to the company financial statements
Additional information
Subsidiary undertakings
Shareholder enquiries
Company information